The Municipality of Bologna followed up Interministerial Decree No. 395 2020 by applying for a grant to nominate two proposals, the Saffi area and the Bolognina area, for the “National Innovative Program for Housing Quality” (PINQuA). The economic operator, studio Performa A+U, was asked to assist in the elaboration of the functional content.
The proposal is located in the Porto Saragozza neighborhood within the disused railway areas of Scalo Ravone, northwest of the city.
The project area nominated for the call is extended to the entire area of experimentation for temporary uses identified as “DumBO, Distretto Urbano Multifunzionale di Bologna,” which the property FS Sistemi urbani is willing to cede to the Municipality of Bologna. The Municipality, in return, undertakes to ensure that these areas, together with an adjoining portion that will accommodate functions compatible with POC and PUA forecasts, come to constitute, in the future, the first implementation stralcio of the PUA, once approved. Likewise, the municipality undertakes to confirm the current use of the area, as a “campus for culture.”
By acquiring the existing area and buildings, with the inclusion of the new ERS volume, therefore, the City of Bologna would like to give continuity to the virtuous example in place, consolidating the cultural vocation already acquired and following up on the processes of social inclusion and regeneration.
The new volume of ERS is planned in continuity with the warehouses, which will be preserved on already paved and urbanized area, complementing the existing built-up area with zero land consumption.
The new ERS inserted in physical and functional continuity with the existing built, in its characterization of typological innovation for the integration of living
and related services, also open to the entire campus, contributes to strengthening social mixity and contributes to the diversification of housing supply in a logic of maximum sharing of opportunities.