Nordhaven: the breathing city

Breathing city: the city breathes and lives on the relationship with the social, economical and human dynamics it enhances.

Referred to the place, the overall design suggest a great variety of solutions, according to which solids dialogue with green areas and water, intervening with the public sphere. Indeed the design prompt a great variety of typological solution and function to satisfy human needs.

The “breathing city” not only dialogue with small size places, but also with the central green hearth.

Notwithstanding the solid pattern variety, infrastructural network is absolutely simple, acting as a connecting ring to optimize overall efficiency, avoid any kind of inefficiency and enhance environmental sustainability.

The main axis acts as a generous boulevard for cycles and pedestrians. It connects all already existing settlements (fisherman harbour, artist site etc..) with the historical city.

In addition it enhances time perspective, suggesting a stepped work in progress. Alongside the new axis, new facilities interact with the existing areas.

Metaphorically, the axis act as a trunk, whose leaves avrrey around the benches, which is the green heart.

The masterplan has a simple inner logic, to be as flexible as possible in the future, intended to be the basis of a sustainable and environmen

tally friend development of the area.