The Caserma Sani-area, currently owned by the FIV Investment Fund, headed by CdP Investimenti SgR, is located between Via Ferrarese and Via Stalingrado, in a context that has been affected by profound transformations, mainly due to the disposal of numerous productive activities. Due to an urban context with a hybrid character, between a densely populated residential neighborhood and the Fiera District, the adopted masterplan scheme intends to operate critically, inheriting the existing condition of fragmentation through operations of partial re-stitching, able to bring order without to give up a certain degree of indeterminacy in the solutions, in order to adapt to the surrounding conditions. In this perspective, it is proposed to work in phases, gradually opening up the former barracks, so as to activate different subjects in relation to the variety of existing opportunities. A prior assessment of the state of the buildings and areas, related to the system of constraints deriving from the Cultural Interest Evaluation operated by the Soprintendenza, suggests to activate an immediate temporary use phase of some buildings, accompanied by a preventive demolition plan that includes the southern section of the fence, so as to free usable land. Through ordinary and / or extraordinary maintenance interventions on some artifacts, new ways of working and living could be experimented, allowing an active and participated presence in the areas that were "regained" by the city.